
Rethinking forest industry through ecological justice – case Kymijoki

The Nessling Foundation launches a new funding call – the million-euro Murros-call seeks solutions for breaking away from structural overconsumption

€100,000 Sininen Pallo Environmental Prize Awarded to Eetti ry, Creators of the Five Garments Challenge, and Developer of a Peer-to-Peer Rental Service

24 projects receive a total of €2.3 million in the foundation’s 2024 general call – the projects focus on topics such as decision-making and ecological restoration

Postdoctoral researcher Ville Kellokumpu: “Environmental awareness fails to reach the working class”

Microbes, the secret lives inside – Experience the Microbial Childhood research project

A record-breaking 494 applications arrived for the general grant call

Meet the Board: Laura Wickström believes that biodiversity will be increasingly important in future investing