The Nessling Foundation speeds up the sustainability transformation that protects natural systems by funding research and science-based action. In 2025, we will grant an additional million euros through the Murros-call to projects that generate deeper understanding, new perspectives, and science-based solutions for breaking away from structural overconsumption.
We are depleting natural resources beyond the Earth’s carrying capacity, and the current trajectory is accelerating this overuse [1]. Particularly in wealthy countries like Finland, the consumption of natural resources is far from sustainable. For example, per capita material consumption in Finland exceeds the global sustainable limit by nearly sevenfold [2].
In order for our consumption to fit within the planetary boundaries, the change must reach deep into the underlying structures.
Research and public discussion often focus on the role of individual overconsumption. Less attention has been given, on one hand, to the role of societal and economic structures behind overconsumption, and on the other, to the structural overconsumption tied to the maintenance of infrastructure essential for societies.
The term “structural overconsumption” used in the Murros-call carries a dual meaning: it refers both to the state of overconsumption maintained by the structures of modern Western society and economy, and to the environmental footprint generated by large-scale infrastructure and construction projects.
In this call, we want to focus on how to break away from structural overconsumption. Interesting questions include: What are the structures across society that drive overconsumption, and how must they change? What economic, political, technological, and societal lock-ins are steering us towards overconsumption and acting as barriers to sufficiency? What kind of political guidance is needed for state operations or for other major societal actors?
The Murros-call will fund two two-year projects. We are looking for multidisciplinary projects that will provide deeper understanding, new perspectives and science-based solutions for breaking away from structural overconsumption. The allocated million euros will be distributed between the two funded projects. The impact of the projects must be directed towards Finnish society, and the projects must be carried out by a Finnish research organisation.
Welcome to the Murros-call launch event on Wednesday 5 February at 9:00 am
The Murros-call will be launched at a hybrid event held in Finnish on 5 February from 9–10 am. You are welcome to join us in person at Puistokatu 4 in Helsinki or follow the event via livestream or later as a recording.
Breakfast will be served for those attending in person, and they will have the opportunity to ask questions directly after the event. After the event, we will also open a dedicated email address for the Murros-call, , where additional questions can be sent.
Please note that in-person attendance is limited, so secure your spot early, and if you are unable to attend, kindly free up your spot for others.
All registrants will receive a link to the livestream and, after the event, an information package about the funding call along with a link to the recording with English subtitles.
Programme of the launch session 9–10 am
What is structural overconsumption?
The theme of the Murros-call will be introduced by Johanna Kentala-Lehtonen, Secretary General of the The Finnish Expert Panel for Sustainable Development and a Board member of the Nessling Foundation.
The dialogues are designed to provide applicants with inspiration for imagining a world free from structural overconsumption.

Utopia: A world free from overconsumption
Envisioning a future beyond overconsumption are theatre director, activist Eeva Rajakangas with CEO and social advocate Leo Stranius. The discussion will be facilitated by Minttu Jaakkola, Executive Director of Puistokatu 4, whose work focuses on exploring good living within planetary boundaries.
Is breaking away from structural overconsumption a utopia?
Minttu Jaakkola will continue the dialogue with Kirsi-Marja Lonkila, Senior Adviser at the Ministry of the Environment, and Paavo Järvensivu, researcher at BIOS Research Unit. The dialogue will explore what is required from our societies to break away from structural overconsumption.

Murros-call: Breaking away from structural overconsumption
Who can apply for funding, how to apply, and what are the funding criteria? The submission of idea papers for the call will open alongside its launch. Applicants who submit an idea paper can request feedback on their submission. These details, along with other essential information about the funding call, will be presented by Enni Sahlman from the Nessling Foundation.
[1] UNEP. (2024). Global Resources Outlook 2024.
[2] WWF. (2024). Fair Finnish Footprint – Finland’s pathway to consumption aligned with global sustainability boundaries.