Chit-chat while having coffee, focused work in a bright environment, encounters and inspiration. These are the elements that make up a new workspace for environmental researchers in the heart of Punavuori. The Nessling Foundation offers space for those who wish to work for long periods or those who just want to pop in.
Help us to design the space and tell your ideas by answering the survey below by 30th of October.
After long-term tenants moved out of the premises in the beginning of autumn this year, the Nessling Foundation decided to open up this space they own to the use of environmental researchers. The foundation noticed that workspaces for researchers are scarce and that these days it is increasingly important to support researchers in more than only financial ways.
The idea of offering spaces for researchers sparked already more than 40 years ago at the Nessling Foundation. The constitution of the foundation states that in addition to giving financial support to environmental research, the Foundation may offer spaces and tools for research. This is the first time that the rule concerning workspaces is put into action.
The foundation is renovating over 200 square meters solely for environmental researchers’ use. On top of this, the foundation invites researchers to plan the space to best suit their own needs.

Environmental researchers from all fields are welcome to use Nessling Foundations new workspace. The most important characteristic for getting a place at the workspace is the will to collaborate with other researchers and to take their research out to form real solutions.
The foundation wants to open a space that enables collaboration, encounters, independent work and the organizing of small events and meetings. Above all, the foundation hopes that the space creates inspiration and ideas and brings different actors together.
The concept and appearance of the space are not finalized yet. Now is your chance to affect what the workspace will look and feel like when it’s ready.
We are gathering ideas for planning the workspace. Answer a survey here and tell us what the workspace should be like. You can also contact Head of research Minttu Jaakkola (minttu.jaakkola(at) directly, if you are interested in participating in an opening workshop for the planning of the space.
An international group of students from Aalto University’s Creative Sustainability program is in charge of the planning of the workspace. The workspace has already undergone a preliminary “facelift” renovation. The planning of the space starts in November and the workspace is in its final form in January 2016. You can follow the progress of the workspace in Nessling Foundation’s blog and social media.
What is the workspace of your dreams like? Join us to plan it and challenge your colleague to join too!